

Parse, convert and view SVG files in various WPF or web applications easier using the comprehensive tools included in this C# library

SharpVectors is essentially a C# library that can lend a hand with parsing, converting and viewing SVG files in WFP applications. According to the developer, while the library cannot be considered a complete solution, it does pack some of the most common features developers typically need with an average graphic web app.
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and is a dedicated standard file format used to create graphics on the web. Nowadays, the format is supported by most modern browsers and, due to the extensive spread of HTML5, SVG use for WFP apps increased exponentially. The need for this particular library stems from the fact that other resources for SVG do not have what it takes to properly manage the files in WFP applications.
Some of the most noteworthy features include SVG to XAML conversion, optimization of the XAML output, SVG parsing and SVG DOOM creation that results from the first one, SVG viewing and some rudimentary interaction with the conversion process.
The developer included a SVG reloaded package, a project that provides similar tools as the standard package, but that can be more useful for when employed with Windows Presentation Foundation platform. Another plus is that it comes with end user tools like SVG Viewer and Browser.

System requirements