PDF Assistant

A simplistic and modern application that allows user to comfortably read their PDF content, as well as highlight text with different colors and more

PDF Assistant is a program that lets you comfortably view your PDF content, as well as have extensive support for various screen types, and highlight important pieces of your PDFs.

A straightforward implementation with manageable commands

With this tool, you get the added benefit of accessibility and easy document navigation. When opening it for the first time, PDF Assistant will display its logo. By clicking that, you are prompted with a file addition window that lets you select the PDF you want to open. Alternatively, you can use the drag and drop function for adding your content into the PDF viewer.

Multi-screen support and PDF reading

This app offers an implementation that makes it suitable for various screen types. For Windows OS, it can be used on normal desktops, touch screen monitors, or on Windows tablets.
The document reading runs smoothly and the file navigation is easy. Either by using a mouse or the tactil options given by a touch screen, you can scroll through an extensive number of pages, highlight the main points of interest, switch the highlighter's color, as well as erase added elements, write document notes with a pen, draw rectangles for focus points, and quickly change your tools' thickness.

A lightweight application for minimum resource consumption

Unlike other PDF readers out there, this tool is straightforward in term of its functionality options and when it comes to the impact it has onto your system's resources. PDF Assistant is lightweight; and that is not only due to the nature of the app itself, but also thanks to the way the program is built.
Moreover, the page switch and navigation options, the smart highlighting feature, and the well-placed zoom in/out buttons, make PDF Assistant a reliable document or book reading app.