
Use this application to create secure password combinations for use with any of your accounts, applications, or security systems, quick and easy

While Passliss might look like another password generator, if you do go the extra mile and check it thoroughly, you will discover that it manages to combine an old recipe with a brand-new face. If this matters or not, that's up to you. The application features a password generator, a key strength checker, and a couple of features to tailor the app to your needs or preferences.

A brand-new interface

The problem with most tools these days is that developers tend to forget to spend some time on the looks of the app. Passliss is definitely not one of those tools. It looks modern, with a minimalist, round-shaped corner window that includes most of its features. Choose if you'd like to use Uppercases, Lowercases, Special characters, and Numbers. Decide on the length of the password. Once it has been generated, make sure you copy the result with the help of the app directly to your clipboard and into whatever account you will be securing.

Password power is key

The trick to a secure account is having a lot of strength in your created password. If it is weak, it won't be of much use when and if somebody decided to attempt and access your personal data. In case you're undecided, or simply if you'd like to double-check, Passliss includes a very useful password strength checker. This will instantly tell you if your created password is strong or not. All you have to do is paste your creation in the only field available. It can work very well with already-existing keys. If you want to see if it's worth changing your password, you could simply use this app to decide.
Passliss is a great option when it comes to individuals who'd like to create secure passwords. It doesn't require much effort or knowledge and even includes two themes, based on your preferences, for the best possible integration with whatever OS you've got running on your machine.