

Write and edit code in over 75 programming language using this simple and straightforward tool that features the full capabilities of modern terminals

Whether it is a library to manage tasks, a framework to build your next project or a text editor, you need to dedicate some time and perhaps effort to find the best tools for development purposes. Not only does a text editor act like a distraction-free writing tool, but it can be great for taking quick notes or managing code.
Micro is a terminal-based text editor that addresses developers and programmers, particularly since it supports over 75 languages and comes with 7 color schemes.

Allows you to customize options and key binds to your liking

As previously mentioned, the utility is a terminal-based tool and hence the interface is in accordance with this design. You can get started by accessing the help menu and checking out the default bindings. It is worth mentioning that everything is customizable within the app, including the hotkeys. Consequentially, you can rebind any of them easily by accessing the bindings.json file.
According to the developer, the program supports a wide variety of plugins and hence, you can make it even more convenient and suitable for your work style and preferences. You should bear in mind that the plugins need to written in Lua and there is also a manager that lets you download and install what you need.
The highlight of the application stems from the extensive support, as the developer states that you can write code in over 75 languages. In case you are having some issues with the syntax highlight, then it is recommended that you check your TERM variable and make sure to enable the 256 colors.

A reliable terminal text editor that can come in handy for code editing

A further noteworthy feature of the application is that it supports multiple cursors and mice. While multiple cursors can mean that you can increase your editing power directly in the terminal, the enhanced mouse support entails that you can click and drag to select the text, thus making the workflow smoother and more convenient.
All in all, Micro is a lightweight, yet comprehensive tool that packs the full capabilities of modern terminals and that can come in handy to anyone editing or writing code.