

Find out whether your applications experience memory leaks, deadlocks or have unique bugs that are hard to reproduce in normal conditions with this tool

If an application is taking more memory than usual, then you are likely to notice it right away mostly because the system becomes slow and unresponsive. Since you are unlikely to be able to perform even the smallest task, it may be a good idea to determine whether this is due to a memory leak.
MemoScope.Net is a small tool designed to analyze the .NET process memory so that it can help you determine whether you are dealing with memory leaks and deadlocks.

Enables you to compare dumps taken at different machines and intervals

The application comes with an intuitive interface and provides a quick way to add the root directories where you are likely to store dumps. Analyzing a process can be done by accessing it from the dedicated drop-down menu and you can create a quick dump for it using the function in the menu.
The idea behind the tool is to dump an application's memory in a file where all threads and data are contained and read it later. You will be happy to learn that the app works with dumps provided by other users at different times and hence, it may be useful when you are attempting to reproduce a unique bug. In addition, the tool can help identify the blocking objects responsible for deadlocks and apps that are using too much memory immediately after opening it or after a few days.

A handy tool that can help identify deadlocks and memory leaks

While some may argue that you can check for memory-related issues with Windows built-in tools, the truth is that utilities such as Resource Monitor for instance, solely provide real-time diagnostic. As previously mentioned, the program allows you to compare dumps taken on other computers where you may encounter unique situations that cannot be replicated in normal conditions.
In the eventuality that you are looking for something to help you identify memory leaks, deadlocks or other bugs with your apps, then perhaps you can consider giving MemoScope.Net a try.