License Statistics


Browser-based application that monitors your company\'s software license usage, generates comprehensive reports and supports numerous license managers

Large companies can benefit from a centralized software license management solution, as it is very difficult to keep track of application usage and expiration dates otherwise.
License Statistics is a browser-based program that can be used to monitor license usage in real-time or via log imports. It generates multiple types of reports and can be accessed from any location, at any time, as long as an Internet connection is available.
The software offers support for a number of license managers, enabling you to gather usage statistics and feature info from multiple sources. The full list of supported servers is available in the online documentation.
License Statistics is capable of generating a wide range of reports that help you understand how licenses are being used in your company and see which features are set to expire. These reports include, among others, current users, real-time user count, current utilization, usage per user and expiring features.
The main dashboard provides you with an overview of license usage, and charts and graphs are used to present the data more intuitively.
Moreover, it is possible to import data from log files created by various license servers. A connection to the license server is not required, making this feature useful for billing or analyzing data from remote locations.

System requirements

Limitations in the unregistered version