

Manage running processes on your computer and terminate several tasks at once with the push of a button, without looking for child processes yourself

When a program freezes up on your computer and fails to respond, the first thing you probably think about is opening the Windows Task Manager to end its process. However, there are other third-party programs that can come to the rescue in such situations and one of them is suggestively and simply called Killer.
The Killer application is nothing more than a process manager just like Windows’ proprietary software. However, there is a plus to it, as detailed below.

End multiple tasks in a single operation 

There are programs that have a lot of sub-processes running alongside the parent process. When the main process freezes, you can kill the entire process tree, but only if the child processes are grouped under such a tree. Ending all the tasks one-by-one is not an option, especially if their number is high. That is where Killer comes in.
This particular application makes it possible to terminate multiple processes in one go. It uses checkboxes to allow the quick selection of the tasks you want it to end. With the click of a button, all the chosen processes are instantly terminated.

A task manager with an integrated search option 

Killer displays all the active processes in Windows in an organized table, much similar to that in the standard Task Manager. Alongside the process name, it reveals its PID, the CPU and the memory usage, in percentages.
While you can sort the processes in alphabetical order, by CPU or RAM usage, note that there is also a search bar at the top of the window, which enables you to look for a specific task.

Forget about terminating tasks one by one 

The Windows Task Manager only allows you to end processes one by one, which can be tiresome for tasks that have multiple child processes. Released under an open-source license, Killer solves this issue, allowing you to select the processes you need to end and send them the termination signal with the click of a button.