

A Java-based library that facilitates the manipulation of evolutionary genetic algorithms, which is a critical issues studied in the field of artificial intelligence

Jenetics is specially developed as a Java-based object oriented library of a Genetic Algorithm, but that can still make a clear separation of the several concepts included, namely Genotype, Population, Gene, Chromosome and fitness Function. Unlike the GA implementations that exist in the field, the library relies on the concept of Evolution stream to execute the steps. Since evolutionary algorithms have roots in biology, the mechanisms involved include similar steps, such as recombination, selection, mutation or reproduction, for example.
Among the most noteworthy functions of the tool, you can count frictionless minimization and multi-threading. As far as the first is concerned, it is worth mentioning that you can easily minimize or maximize the fitness function without having to tweak it. As you probably hinted, multi-threading entails that the evolutionary steps can be executed in parallel.
According to the developer, the library is designed with multi-objective optimization in mind and hence, the module comes with various classes that allow the solving of these types of problems. At the same time, it is dependency free and, since it does not require third-party libraries to work, there is no need to worry about potential mismatching and class loading problems that may occur with other libraries.

System requirements

9.2 MB
Update Date
Apache License 2.0
Created By
Franz Wilhelmstotter
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