

A software utility that works as a Java interface for products such as FFmpeg, OpenCV, ARToolKitPlus, and more, and comes with utility classes

If you are currently planning a strategy to enhance the functionality of a library required in the field of computer vision, a software utility such as JavaCV could come in handy.
What the tool does is offer a Java interface for OpenCV, libdv1394, FFmpeg, OpenKinect, videoInput, PGR FlyCapture, librealsense, ARToolKitPlus, CL PS3 Eye Driver, etc., and it manages to improve them with the help of utility classes.
Aside from that, one of the major promises JavaCV makes to users who decide to give it a try is to offer hardware accelerated fullscreen image display. Geometric as well as color calibration of projectors and cameras is also on the list of features along with the multitude of ways of executing code in parallel, on multiple cores.
It should also be pointed out that a blob analysis package is included in this Java interface. Moreover, matching and detecting feature points is also possible, and aligning projector-camera systems directly should raise no difficulty whatsoever provided that you resort to JavaCV.
If you want to familiarize yourself with JavaCV and find out how to make the most of the API before getting to work, you can do that by taking a look at the indications the developer offers as sample usage.

System requirements

769 MB
Update Date
Apache License 2.0
Created By
Samuel Audet
Related software Development