IP - Country - Region - City - Latitude - Longitude - ZIPCode - Timezone - AreaCode Database

August 2021

Translates IP address to country, city, latitude, longitude, zip code and area code to get an accurate reading of the geographical location

IP - Country - Region - City - Latitude - Longitude - ZIPCode - Timezone - AreaCode Database is a database subscription service that gives you the possibility to find out the location of IP addresses to display the country, region, state and city, along with the latitude, longitude, postal code, timezone and area code.
To get started, it's necessary to get the IP address you wish to scan, whether it belongs to the server-side variable or networking protocol of a web server. In the following step, you have to convert the IP address to a decimal-supported IP number, a method used for optimizing the database query to deliver search results faster than usual.
In the last step, it's necessary to perform a reverse lookup on the IP number from the IP2Location database, in order to get an accurate reading of the geographical position. Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are supported.
To download the entire database with the countries, regions, cities, latitudes, longitudes, ZIP codes, timezones and area codes, you must subscribe for an account. However, you can also get a quick view of the database by downloading a plain text document or by directly viewing it in the web browser. It has over 160 records.

Limitations in the unregistered version

17 KB
Update Date
August 2021
Created By
Hexa Software Development Center
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