

An open-source editor that allows you to manipulate hexadecimal, binary data for writing optimal and well-performing apps, by displaying you content byte by byte

ImHex is a reverse engineering application used for granular editing and evaluating your code, that aims at offering the necessary resources for users who suffer from eye strain and need a tool that's both comfortable for their sight, as well as customizable.

Getting started with ImHex and important characteristics

The open-source application is a multi-platform utility, suitable for Windows OS, macOS, and Linux distributions. At the same time, for Windows, the application comes in two forms: as a regular desktop app installed with an executable and in a portable format.
Additionally, it is important to mention that the tool is mild on your system's resources, it does not lag nor crash unexpectedly, and it offers plenty of customizations and configuration options.

Data inspecting for different imports and file hashing support

The tool allows you to add individual files or entire projects for performing data inspections; you can interpret your data using several distinct methods, such as little/big endian, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal.
Furthermore, the program supports file hashing for validating file integrity, storing and easily retrieving items from a collection, as well as handling and comparing previously encrypted files, etc. As such, ImHex supports some of the most common algorithms for file identity-checking — CRC16 and CRC32 (with custom initial values and polynomials), MD4 and MD5, and SHA-1/SHA-224SHA-256/SHA-384/SHA-512.

Data analyzing for optimal performance

ImHex provides users with the possibility to use data inspecting features that allow checking important aspects (such as file encryption/compression), display data in graphs (byte distribution or entropy graphs), or inspect file content and evaluate data patterns (with the magic-based file parser and the MIME data type identification via database association).


To summarize, ImHex is a complex and powerful tool that can serve you when building complex applications. This program can be used for managing and preventing a lot of issues that come up during the error handling and evaluation processes of your programs, as well as helping you create optimal, scalable, and efficient products.