ID3v2 Library

Add this library to your audio-based software projects to be able to set, edit and remove tags, featuring support for ID3v1, Lyrics3v2, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags

If you're developing audio players, editors or anything else that might require tag editing, you can turn to ID3v2 Library. It's a component that you can integrate into your Windows applications to be able to modify the metadata of audio tracks. It supports ID3v1, Lyrics3v2, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4.
In addition to Windows, the utility is compatible with OSX, iOS, Android and Linux software. There are two files available for download: installer and portable. In the second case, the downloaded package can be simply unzipped to reach the core files immediately, without having to undergo a setup procedure.
Besides libraries ready for C++ Builder and Delphi, the package contains a chartset detector as well as binaries for x86 and x64 Windows. The binaries have tutorials for the ID3v2 Library, ID3v2 Library with FireMonkey and ID3 Lyrics 3v2 tags, which are wrapped in a straightforward GUI.
Distinct tags can be specified in ID3v1 and IDE3v2 mode. For ID3v2, you can set the title, artist, album, year, genre, URL, lyrics language ID and description, as well as comments. If the audio track already has tags, these can be loaded to edit or completely remove them.
It's also possible to add album covers using local image files, as well as to compress and decompress frames. Settings can be configured for desynchronized tags, extended header, experimental mode and CRC too. ID3v1 tags are only responsible for the title, artist, album, year, comment, genre, and track number.

System requirements

19.1 MB
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