

A free, command-line application that can analyze your disk usage, help you navigate your files, and toggle between apparent size and real disk usage

gdu enables, from the single window of any command line you choose, fast access to your disk usage data, with comfortable and easy-navigable data display, a simplistic help menu, and easy-to-remember commands.

Things to know about gdu and some of its benefits

Firstly, you should know that this tool is small in size, open-source, written in Go, and a multi-platform instrument (available for various Linux distributions and Windows OS.
Secondly, the app does not need to be installed and can easily be accessed from your chosen command-line interface. Also, of great importance is the fact that gdu, compared to other disk usage analyzers, does integrate seamlessly with Windows.

The steps to follow for initializing the tool fast

After downloading the GitHub package, you should extract its contents to another location. It is important to have that location mapped to the environment variable or to have placed the folder containing the gdu resources in a folder that is already on the path. To initialize the tool, go to its location and, with administrator privileges, access its executable.

The options you have while using this program

The app is extremely manageable and easy to use, especially for users who are already comfortable using the shell. You can always press the 'h' key for help, and see the available options. Using the arrows, you can navigate different files, with 'Enter,' you can select items, with 'v' (similar to the Windows CLI command 'cat'), you can display the contents of a file, and finally, using the keys 'n,' 's,' 'c,' you can sort files by name, size, or, item type.
A nice option is the one that allows you to toggle between the disk usage and apparent size display; this is useful for getting a better grasp of the way different OS algorithms calculate your disk usage, and whether or not actively running processes impact what you see.

Final thoughts

To conclude, this app is fast, extremely non-impactful on your system's resources, and useful for analyzing your disk usage more accurately.