Fringe Remover


Achieve better skin renditions for your osu! gameplay, with this minimalist program that will remove PNG fringe artifacts for you

osu! users who take their gameplay seriously and are keen on customizing it to the next level, might be preoccupied with the game skin, and its corresponding available tweaks. However, when designing custom skins in PNG format, the resulting images can be prone to artifacts, such as fringing, which need to be taken care of before the actual gameplay.
Built specifically for such potential issues, Fringe Remover will provide users with a dedicated solution for analyzing and removing fringe from the PNG images that correspond to their osu! skins.
Addressing the issue of the fringing which might occur when preparing images for the osu! gameplay, Fringe Remover will require users to first indicate two main parameters for the processing: their input and output targets for the INI skin files. The app comes equipped with several features, which can be used for customizing the process a bit.
For instance, one will be able to choose for the app to parse directories, overwrite any existing graphical skin files, or, assign a preferred number of processor threads for the operation, depending on the PC’s configuration, availability, or users’ choice for prioritizing other applications in their workflow.

System requirements