Free Color Video


Adjust various video settings such as brightness, contrast and color levels by using this lightweight, handy application with a simple interface

Recording a video can be a challenging activity sometimes, due to the vast amount of parameters you need to consider, like weather, light and motion.
While most of them can not be changed, there are a few tricks you can rely on if you want to improve your overall quality. You can use an editing tool, such as Free Color Video.

Straightforward functions

Free Color Video can help you apply various image adjustments on your files, some of which are related to brightness, contrast, color levels and saturation. You can select which function you want to use and define its values, while being able to activate multiple customization features, as well.
Along with basic editing options, this utility also provides you with global filter effects that you can apply to your desired video by simply toggling them. These filters include: gray scale, soften, sharpen, blur and edge detection.
Free Color Video comes with an integrated customizable mosaic tool, useful when you need to censor a certain part of your content.
Novices can browse a user guide if they encounter any difficulty while using the program, although its functions are mostly straightforward.

Simple user interface

This program features a simplistic, intensely colored interface that provides you with basic functions, like adding and removing videos to the list, moving them up or down and choosing adjustments you want to apply.
The configuration menu can be accessed easily and it enables you to alter more in-depth settings, such as selecting output file format, specifying bitrate and customizing various media encoding options.
Free Color Video can play the file before actually processing it. However, the preview window provides limited usability, since it only features a Stop button, therefore you can not pause your content or resume playing it.

Basic video editing utility

Although not a necessary action, this application automatically converts your file while applying your desired adjustments and supports only MP4 and WMV output formats.
In conclusion, Free Color Video can prove to be a useful tool if adjusting basic image parameters while getting your file converted on the way is all you want to do.