Features Fix for Windows


A Windows 8 tweak that addresses the errors that you might stumble upon when trying to download the .NET Framework package required by some applications

While Windows 10 comes with a preinstalled .NET Framework version, its predecessor, Windows 8.1 and 8 do not. Therefore, if you haven’t yet upgraded to Windows 10 and are still hanging on to Windows 8 or 8.1, then it might often happen that you are prompted to download and install the .NET Framework 3.5 or any other requirement when trying to run an application.
This Windows feature is usually easily installed, as Windows knows how to get the necessary files from the Windows Update and then proceed with the setup. However, in a working environment where WSUS is setup, it might happen that the download fails to complete and an error related to the Internet is shown. Features Fix for Windows comes to the rescue to address this issue.
Installing Features Fix for Windows is not so difficult and requires no knowledge. In fact, there is nothing else to do but press the “next” buttons in the setup wizard to deploy the application and apply the fixes altogether. No GUI, no settings, nothing more than a setup wizard to take care of the problem.
Once you download the archive of Features Fix for Windows, you have to unzip it and run the executable file with administrative privileges. If you are prompted to reboot the computer, you must run the setup again after restart. This time, the operating system should be able to access the Window Update web server without a problem, meaning the .NET Framework 3.5 or any other features that is installed via the Windows Update can be downloaded and deployed without errors.