

User-friendly application for instant or delayed restart, power off and suspension of your computer, as well as log off for the current user

When your computer is performing time-consuming tasks, you can simply schedule it to power off after some time, instead of waiting around your PC to finish its tasks. EasyShutdown is one of the apps that can comes in handy in this situation.

System tray shutdown manager

After you install the application on your computer, it automatically goes to the system tray, so it does not clutter your taskbar.
You can easily power off, restart or put your PC on standby, as well as log off the current user or lock the session.

Schedule shutdown, restart or log off

Alternatively, you can schedule all the actions supported by EasyShutdown. You basically need to choose a certain action, then configure the delay, in minutes.
In other words, if you want to set it to delay the shutdown or the reboot for a few hours, you first need to convert the time interval in minutes.
Also, you cannot specify a certain time for initiating the action.

Force quit open apps

Another useful function of EasyShutdown is that it can force all the open programs to terminate. This way, they cannot hinder the scheduled process from completing successfully.
Furthermore, you can enable shutdown confirmations which can come in handy handy in case you change your mind and you want to abort the action.


All in all, EasyShutdown can provide you with alternate ways to quickly power off or reboot your computer, put it to standby or log off the user. You can also delay these tasks by scheduling them to a time that is most convenient to you.