Dual Key Remap


Rebind Escape to Capslock so that it would be easier for you to access hotkeys that involve pressing a modifier with Escape via this tool

Dual Key Remap is a tiny tool designed to help rebind the Caps Lock, Control and Escape keys. According to the developer, the main use of the tool is to remap Capslock to Escape especially since these keys are typically pressed alone. Nevertheless, users can also rebind the Control key to perform other functions when pressed with other keys.
For the rebinding to work properly, users need to create a new folder in a permanent directory that they rename as desired. Afterwards, it is necessary to move the executable file along with the config.txt into this directory and create a shortcut in the startup folder from this location. It goes without saying that users can edit the configuration file as necessary. The uninstallation process entails closing the script and then removing the folder from the startup directory.
The utility can come in handy in a particular situation, namely when using shortcuts that require Escape. In this case, the app switches the combination of Shift + Escape to Shift + Capslock, which is obviously easier to access. Therefore, it is recommended to hold the modifier key first and then press Caps Lock button last. Since the app rebinds Escape to Caps Lock, the app interprets it as Shift + Escape.