DiskInternals Partition Recovery


Recover files with this simple, yet effective tool that scans and shows potentially damaged files you might want to recover in case they\'ve been accidentally deleted

DiskInternals Partition Recovery is yet another application that promises to recover your lost or corrupted files from any partition within your machine. Whether or not it manages to get the job done does depend on the severity of the case. Still, it's a good way to go if you're dealing with an unexpected situation and there's little hope that you can recover your lost or damaged files.

Clean interface for easy use

Generally speaking, when dealing with these sorts of tools, the interface is either super basic or filled with options and settings that could run the risk of driving you insane. In the case of DiskInternals Partition Recovery, none of these situations apply. The interface, while simple, is stylish and fits well with the rest of your OS elements, and the options are clearly labeled and easy to access. You won't need a degree in IT to be able to use it, which is yet another plus in favor of this program. Right from the start, you'll be able to see all the partitions in your machine.

A wizard will help you recover files

Even though there is no magic involved, a wizard will help any user navigate the process of recovering files. As probably expected, the first of several steps is to select the location. One could select only a directory or a portion of a drive, but going the extra mile might actually make a difference in this case.
As far as customization is concerned, there are plenty of options that can tailor this particular experience to your needs. Decide on search criteria, which partition format systems to show, if you want floppy support or not, which file types you're looking for as well as a ton of basic app functionality adjustments that we see in all programs these days.
DiskInternals Partition Recovery is an application that might not surprise the user with innovative functions or new ways to concur file corruption or loss issues, but it manages to do its job and doesn't look ridiculous in the process. If you're trying to recover a certain file from your drive, this app could actually be a much-needed helping hand.