

Calculate MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-160 or CRC32 file hashes and determine if the downloaded item is original

DeadHash is a lightweight and straightforward piece of software that was created for security purposes, allowing you to check the integrity of downloaded or transferred files in order to ensure no one has tampered with them.

Neatly-structured and accessible looks

The application features a very clean and intuitive appearance, its GUI posing little difficulty in using, even for novices or people who have never used such a tool before.
The main window of DeadHash displays the files that you can work with in a left-side panel, while dedicated text fields provide you with the results of a hashing task, that you can even export.

Effortlessly calculate the hash of various files or compare them

The program can work with several hash types, namely MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-386, SHA-512, RIPEMD-160 and CRC32. After loading the file you wish to process, DeadHash automatically calculates the corresponding values and displays them for you to analyze; you can even save the results your PC, to TXT or HTML format.
Moreover, the utility comes with three additional built-in tools, specifically ‘File Comparer’, ‘Text Comparer’ and ‘Text Hasher’ components, to assist you in checking the documents’ integrity with minimal effort.
Using the ‘File Comparer’, you can load the two objects you want to analyze and choose the hashing method from a dedicated menu. The results will be displayed after clicking on the ‘Calculate’ button, indicating if they are different by means of a red color.
The ‘Text Comparer’ tool is able to determine if two strings have the same values or not, while the ‘Text Hasher’ will encode the message you input manually or from clipboard, in any of the available methods.

A handy document hasher

All things considered, DeadHash proves to be a practical and useful application that can successfully calculate hash strings for your files or compare them to discover if they have been modified or not.