CSS Sprites Generator


Generate CSS sprites from images on your website by relying on this lightweight application that provides you with intuitive functions

Being a website administrator often requires you to perform certain administrative tasks in order to optimize it and make it more accessible to the public.
However, doing that manually might be a tedious task. Therefore, you can turn to specialized software, such as CSS Sprite Generator, that can help you achieve faster and better results.
Note that this utility requires .NET Framework on your computer to run as intended.

Easy to use application with simple interface and intuitive functions

This program can be easily installed on your computer, as it does not require any special configuration process. It comes with a minimalistic layout that encompasses straightforward functions, thus providing you with high overall accessibility.
However, understanding and operating its functions to their full extent require you to have medium PC knowledge and a good understanding of certain web designing concepts.

Convert images on your website to CSS sprites in an easy manner

CSS Sprite Generator allows you to enhance your web page and allow users to connect to it quicker by converting the images it contains into CSS sprites. This binds them together and treats them as one bigger element, instead of multiple smaller ones, which greatly improves loading speeds.
Doing so is possible by importing the desired files within the application, defining the file paths and typing the URLs for the resulting image and the separator.

Allows you to save your current project, so that you can easily access it later

In case your project is a large one, you can save your progress anytime, in case you need to resume your work later or share it with others. The application saves your current project as a CSP (software-specific) format.
To sum it up, CSS Sprite Generator is a lightweight application that can help you improve loading speeds for your web page by converting your images into CSS sprites, thus binding them together. It comes with a simple interface, intuitive functions and allows you to save your project as a CSP file.