

A lightweight command line utility with the help of which to generate file checksums in order to compare them with other locations

Every file has a unique code which is generated by its content. Known as checksums, these help compare files and are even used to determine the integrity of items or downloads. In order to help out, CrcCheckCopy comes as a lightweight utility with which to calculate and compare checksums of multiple items.

Compare files, folders, and drives

Since the application is delivered under the form of a command line utility, there isn’t even an installation involved to make it work. All you need to do is fire up the Command Prompt and use the set of features. A blank run also brings up a set of instructions to quickly get you started, and really quickly, because there’s not a lot of effort to invest into making it work.
The application uses CRC file verification checksums to perform its duties. On the bright side of things, it can not only do this for a single file, but also for entire folders or even drives. Once a scan is complete, a list of all files and their checksum values is saved in the program folder. It can then easily be used to compare content to other files, folders, or drives.

Results saved in a text file

As such, the first step is simply to calculate the checksum. As mentioned, the source can come in the form of a file, folder, or drive. Needless to say that the time it takes to deliver results depends on the complexity of the source.
Verification is the last step and doesn’t take a lot of time. By the end of it all you get to view what files are missing from the destination, or if some of them are different.

A few last words

Taking everything into consideration, we can state that CrcCheckCopy is a neat little utility with which to verify the integrity of multiple files at a time, or even compare content of folders or drives.