

Use this app in order to gain access to all your Google services from within the same program window, fast, easy, no questions asked

With a name like Clovery, you're bound to have the luck of the Irish. How come? Well, this particular app reunites all Google Apps into one easily accessible window for any user to access at any given time. For those who want a little extra, paying for it will allow them to access multiple instances of the same app using as many accounts as needed. Regardless, the concept behind this particular program is indeed interesting.

Simple to get and stylish

The first thing one will notice when using this program is its pretty interface, despite it being quite empty in the beginning. The program does get populated as you add more services and accounts. You get to reunite services such as Google Drive, Gmail, YouTube, Meet and Translate under the same roof. The advantage, you ask? Well, you get to become much more productive since you won't have to access each service independently. It could also be a long-term solution to any browser cluttering you might be experiencing.

Flexibility and accessibility

Adding new services to the sidebar is definitely an easy thing to do. There is a sort of tutorial going on the first time you open the app. It's useful and not at all confusing. Click on the "+" sign to add any service you need. Customize entries with various colors. Use transparent backgrounds if that suits you. There are plenty of settings you can adjust. Things ranging from licensing, languages, downloads, network, and security to update and reset capabilities make this app a versatile tool in the hand of any user.
Clovery is definitely an interesting app to deal with. It helps users become more productive without actually taking too much space or time from the user. As far as adaptability is concerned, the app does seem quite flexible, and the theoretical added benefits make it a must-have, at least for evaluation purposes.