Classic Sticky Notes


Bring back the old, classic Sticky Notes application from older Windows editions into Windows 10 and enjoy better privacy and less resource consumption

Windows 10 provides a way to place sticky notes on the desktop and create fast reminders, but that is possible through a Universal app assisted by Cortana. But if you are one of those who go an extra mile to protect their privacy, then you surely disabled a few telemetry-related features on your personal computer. And, if you don’t need Cortana integration, then there is no need in using the new sticky notes app. Having that in mind, the developers of Classic Sticky Notes worked to get back the old, traditional Sticky Notes application to Windows 10.

Create as many notes as you need 

Classic Sticky Notes is installed like any other application in Windows and can be uninstalled via the Settings window. Once deployed, it allows you to create several sticky notes on the desktop by clicking on the “+” symbol as many times as you want. The stickies can store small pieces of information or reminders.
The color of the notes can be changed via the right-click menu, and copy-paste operations are allowed. On the downside, saving notes is not possible, but opened notes are loaded at next system restart. Closing a note is synonym with deleting it, as there is no way to make a note disappear only temporarily. 
Lower resource requirements
Another reason why many might prefer the Classic Sticky Notes is related to resource consumption. During our tests, we compared the memory usage for both the Windows 10 Sticky Notes and the Classic Sticky Notes application. The amount of system resources the latter requires is significantly lower, meaning it works much faster, and it starts almost immediately.

Install the old sticky notes on Windows 10 

The Classic Sticky Notes deploys smaller notes on your desktop and an application that requires less RAM memory to work. It avoids Cortana integration, and it includes the full set of MIUI files, meaning it is available in your native language instantly. The new Sticky Notes has its pluses, but the old one might appeal to users due to the lack of integration with Cortana and the lower resources needed.