

Easily measure phenotypes from multiple images by using this informative application that provides an extensive image analysis tools collection

Those who are involved into studying biological processes and use light / fluorescence microscopes for imaging cells and other biological samples could benefit from a tool for analyzing such images. CellProfiler was created in order to provide users with a way of collecting information about the imaged samples. It provides the means for extracting valuable biological data from images in a fast-paced environment, therefore increasing users’ workflow efficiency.

Appealing interface that will allow one to add custom modules and use an intuitive analysis sequence

The application comes packed with a clean interface that provides several modules where users can organize their workflow efficiently. One will be able to follow an intuitive analysis sequence, which provides an effective analysis flow: images, metadata, names / types and groups.
After loading the images that need to be analyzed, people will be able to analyze them, update their information and extract details from their corresponding metadata. In order to improve the work efficiency and flexibility, the application allows users to add several predefined modules for creating their required workflow.

Easily process microscope imagery and identify phenotype characteristics with this useful application

Users will be able to access an impressive array of predefined modules that offer tools for processing the loaded images, classifying objects, creating batch files or measuring correlations and overlaps. After adding the preferred modules, users can easily switch between them by using the dedicated commands.
Advanced users might be happy to know that CellProfiler also provides a plate viewer and features for visualizing the corresponding histogram, density plots or statistics. Novices are advised to refer to the in-depth documentation that can be accessed on the developer’s website, as this application will require advanced knowledge of biological phenology.

Competent application that will help users analyze microscope imagery much easier

This application addresses those who require a reliable tool for quantifying data from biological images, with the help of a modular and flexible approach. It will deploy several algorithms that are able to accurately identify the cell distribution in images and it will offer people access to an extensive library of predefined image analysis modules.