
Analyze X-ray scattering data with this complex application that provides calibration, masking, radial integration, image normalization and much more

Medical practitioners, students or those who are involved into X-ray handling, could use a tool for studying the Small-Angle X-ray Scattering data. BioXTAS RAW was developed in order to provide one with the means of analyzing the X-ray scattering patterns. It will provide multiple tools for creating scatter profiles, averaging / subtraction or analysis of gyration radius (Rg) and molecular weight.

Classic interface that offers plot analysis tools and X-ray data manipulation features

The application comes packed with an interface that carries a standard layout, with a panel for listing the loaded files and a main viewing area for previewing the plotted data. One will be able to easily navigate to the preferred locations, add the required configuration or workspace and visualize the information on plot.
The visualizer area provides several predefined layouts, which can be easily toggled by using the on-screen controls. People can navigate through the different plots, zoom on designated areas or toggle an error bar display for the plotted curves.

Perform an in-depth analysis of your X-ray SAXS data with this capable application

People will be able to visualize both the plot data and corresponding images or headers and the utility allows them to select several predefined plotting types. Q-scales can be converted and one can perform advanced analysis operations for items such as: Guinier fits, molecular weight or BIFT.
Centering and calibration is also provided and a few masking tools are provided, which enable users to draw the preferred shapes on their loaded content. Nevertheless, despite its well constructed interface and straightforward layout, the utility lacks a solid documentation and this could be an issue for novices.

Compact and lightweight solution that will help users in analyzing scatter in X-ray data

For those who require a reliable tool for loading X-ray scatter data (SAXS) and creating scattering profiles, this application could be a valuable choice. It will allow them to easily load the preferred X-ray data, perform analysis for parameters such as gyration radius or molecular weight and standard operations such as subtraction or averaging. However, lacking a built-in documentation means that it could be difficult to handle for inexperienced users.