

Wipe your free space, or simply further secure your storage devices before selling or repurposing them, avoiding any privacy breaches in the process

BCWipe is a great solution for further securing your machine's storage devices. How so? It allows the user to wipe, or more precisely write zeros over previously deleted data, preventing any third party from recovering your removed information. It compromises deleted files to such a point that recovering is not an option anymore. This is especially helpful if you're about to sell the PC or swap your storage drives for better ones.

Simple, intuitive interface

If you're thinking this is one of those apps with tons of features and choices, fear not. It is not the case. While there are some options to select from, the app keeps things simple. You can choose from a couple of wiping/securing methods mainly transparent wiping and/or swap file encryption. When wiping your drive or only the empty space on it, keep in mind that the process can take a long time to complete. The more passes you opt for, the more time you'll have to spend. Still, more passes mean less risk of having your information compromised by someone who might recover it.

Some other helpful options

Even if the main idea behind the app revolves around wiping data, there are some features you might want to consider when securing your drives. Firstly, make sure that if you have some exceptions you'd want to point out you add them to the exclusion list. Another good idea is to verify the last pass to make sure your data is indeed thoroughly erased. Other options include wiping user activity, browser history, and wiping free space. Another cool feature allows one to enable wiping when deleting certain files. This way you end up combining two processes in one.
BCWipe is an application that should come in handy to each and every PC user out there. Whether you constantly buy or sell drives and PCs, or would like to make sure nobody gets their hands on your private information, this app is pretty good at what it aims to do. It doesn't take a lot of space and it manages to keep things simple.
BCWipe is part of these download collections: File Shredder