

Easily remove hidden content or metadata from numerous file formats with a lightweight, simple application that supports multiple file processing

BatchPurifier is a software tool which can be used in order to remove EXIF information, ICC profiles and JFIF headers from multiple files in one single session.

Quick installation and wizard-like interface

The setup process does not last very long and does not come with any unpleasant surprises, while the GUI you come face to face with encloses a wizard-like design. It requires you to go through several steps and each of these contains some tips, so as to ensure that all types of users can work with it, regardless of their previous experience with computers.

Uploading items and data you can discard

This program only supports JPG and JPEG pictures, which can uploaded with the help of a file browser or the “drag and drop” function, features which greatly enhance ease of use, as it enables you to manage items in a more efficient manner.
In addition to that, you have to choose the data types that you want to remove from the selected images with the help of some check boxes. To be more precise, you can discard comments, ICC profiles, Adobe APP14 tags, JFIF headers, XMP, EXIF information and other hidden data.
It is possible to overwrite the original files, as well as save them as new files in a directory of your own choosing. A progress bar lets you approximate the time left until the purifying process is over. No other notable options are supported.

Bottom line

To conclude, BatchPurifier is a pretty efficient piece of software which enables you to strip certain information from photographs that you may not want the whole world to know. The interface is user-friendly and the response time is good. The app runs without hindering the system’s performance and without popping errors, hanging or freezing.
BatchPurifier is part of these download collections: EXIF Editors, View ODP, Open ODP
2.9 MB
Update Date
Created By
Digital Confidence Ltd.
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