

Enables you to view a list of all the applications that run on your computer and the read and write operations they perform on the hard disk

Every application that runs on your computer performs both read and write operations to carry out its tasks. AppReadWriteCounter is designed to help you monitor such actions, displaying counters for read and write operations, along other parameters, as described below.

Gathers information about read and write operations

AppReadWriteCounter does not require you to go through a setup process, which is a plus, considering that all the application does is extract information from the system's memory and displays it in an organized manner. There is no need for a more complicated tool to perform such a simple operation.

Displays read and write statistics

As soon as you launch it, AppReadWriteCounter starts collecting information about all the other programs that run on your computer, populating the rows in the main window one by one.
It displays the application name and its complete path, along with the number of read and write operations, and the number of bytes that particular application reads and writes. The counters are per application, not per process, and are updated in real-time. Based on the extracted data, the read and write speeds are calculated as well. The product name, its version, the file description, and the name of the manufacturer are also available.
The data in AppReadWriteCounter can be saved locally as a text file, but more comprehensive HTML reports can be generated as well, either for all the items in the list or just for the selected rows. Moreover, you can choose which columns to include in the report and configure the units for the speed and the bytes counter.

Reports on the read and write operations performed by each app

AppReadWriteCounter might come in handy in case you want to check the way a running application affects the read/write operations on the hard disk. It is nothing more than a tool that extracts system information and helps you put it together in an organized report.