

Determine the Common Vulnerability Scoring System of a given workstation in a simpler manner by checking various potential vulnerabilities with this app

When it comes to calculating the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), most find it a relatively daunting task. Then again, the CVSS score helps IT professionals get a better understanding of the potential vulnerabilities of a system so they can take preventive measures.
aeacus is a vulnerability scoring engine designed with simplicity in mind. The idea behind the tool is to go through a list of vulnerabilities by checking whether the executed commands pass successfully.
Among the checks performed via the tool, there is ServiceStatus to determine if they are the same as the ones specified and PasswordChanged to identify user passwords modified after a specified date. At the same time, the tool examines if startup programs exist, verifies if the registry keys have equal values and they exist and checks if a file belongs to the specified owner. The report or score is afterward displayed so that users can compare it and determine the next actions to be taken.
According to the developer, the app can gather information about Windows machines even in circumstances where it is more difficult to gather what the scoring system can see.     Nevertheless, the app comes with extensive documentation and examples that details how the checks are happening.