WA Tweaker for Whatsapp


WA Tweaker is a configuration tool for Android that provides users with a way to access hidden options in WhatsApp. Read more about WA Tweaker for Whatsapp  

WhatsApp is the most used messenger application in the world, and it comes with a lot of useful features. It turns out that not all of the options are transparent and some of them are hidden away. WA Tweaker is a tool that can be used to access all of those hidden features and more.
WA Tweaker can be used to freeze last seen, to disable read receipts, delivery reports, the typing indicator, the recording indicator, and big emoji. Also, It’s possible to increase the media size limit, to chat with non-address book contacts, to change the fond, to hide the tabs, and much more.
Please keep in mind that Root access is needed and the Beta version of WhatsApp. The app also comes with an Xposed module that allows for the customization of the WhatsApp interface.