The Physics Machine: Physics Classroom and Tools


The Physics Machine is a solution for anyone who wants to expand their scientific knowledge, go through each lesson at their own pace, watch videos, take tests, and track their progress. Read more about The Physics Machine: Physics Classroom and Tools  

Physics is one of the most significant natural sciences because it has the primary goal of studying the structure, motion, and behavior of matter in the universe. The Android software developed by Tsuri says it can help you understand and master this discipline more easily. It combines in one place tons of lessons, practical examples, videos, and problems that promise to improve your learning experience.
Students get the chance to explore an introductory tutorial and find out right from the start how to differentiate vocabulary words from fundamental definitions and other terms. Afterward, they can go through the available topics at their own pace and find out lots of valuable information about linear motion, kinematics, forces, energy, power, and much more.
The mobile solution offers beautiful graphics, detailed explanations, practical examples, and interactive videos to help each user learn physics effectively. Furthermore, it lets students take tests to check their knowledge, set reminders to continue learning, complete challenges, and monitor their progress. They can also interact with other users, ask questions, and receive answers to their queries.