Telegram X

Telegram X is the next generation of the regular Telegram messaging application that promises to be faster, safer, and smoother. Read more about Telegram X  

The regular Telegram application has been around for a long time, and it has accumulated new features and bugs alike. The developers started a new Telegram app from scratch and called it X.
Telegram X is an application built from scratch that not bogged down by all the legacy code. In theory, it should much faster than the older version, with smoother animations, and just as easy to use as the older one.
It comes with a bubble-free mode for chats, the ability to preview any content without having to open it, swipe control for pretty much everything, an attachment menu, optimized profile pages, and much more.
It’s important to know that Telegram X might not replace the old Telegram client, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try it.