

Tasty is an app that helps you discover new cooking recipes for special occasions and everyday meals, filter recommendations by difficulty, cuisine, diet or other aspects, and save favorites. Read more about Tasty  

The platform provides enough ideas for all categories of amateur chefs, be they vegetarian, gluten-intolerant or looking for new healthy dishes.
Carefully examine the list that contains the most popular recipes in recent days or use the search tool to find what you need. Filter suggestions by difficulty if you do not want to cook for more than 30 minutes or use more than five ingredients.
Furthermore, the app lets you choose only dairy-free, low-carb, kid-friendly or comfort food, get solutions for special occasions, cook for a particular time of the day and explore the French, Italian, Greek, Japanese or Indian cuisine.
On each recipe, the mobile solution displays the complete list of ingredients and their quantities, presents all the phases in a step-by-step guide and lets you watch videos to see how the dish evolves to the end. You can even change the measurement system and view ingredients in metric units.
Save favorite recipes to create a customized portable cookbook that you can access anytime and anywhere.