Snapdragon BatteryGuru


Snapdragon BatteryGuru is a useful app for extending battery life on your phone by optimizing various functions in smartphones running Snapdragon processors. Read more about Snapdragon BatteryGuru  

The app requires about a week to learn your behavior and help optimize battery life over time. It allows you to extend battery life with fewer charges and without affecting user experience. The application automatically adjusts settings on your phone, you won’t need to configure it in any way.
The BatteryGuru can automatically turn on WiFi when you need it and it finds your approximate location, depending on the WiFi network that you’re connected to. It displays the remaining battery and a chart with WiFi connections and time. You can also check out the list of apps installed on your phone and how much each of them consumes by average. It lets you adjust the amount of battery that each app uses.