Science News Daily: Science Articles and News App


Science News Daily is a tool that enables you to find up-to-date information from credible sources, browse between many categories, create bookmarks, and share links with friends. Read more about Science News Daily: Science Articles and News App  

The app targets anyone with a high interest in science. It gathers thousands of news from trustworthy sources around the world to keep users well-informed at all times. Besides, new articles fill up the existing content every day to provide further insights into the latest happenings.
Users get the freedom to browse between many different categories, whether they aim to acquire information about technology, physics, chemistry, math, engineering, health, or social sciences. They can also build a list of favorite topics and turn off the news for any subject that is not among their concerns.
The mobile solution enables users to scroll the articles until reaching a title that grabs their attention. It also gives them the chance to work with the quick search tool and find any topic they want in a flash. Furthermore, they can increase the font size if necessary, and access the source websites to read the full news.
It is worth mentioning that the app also lets users create bookmarks, share links with friends or colleagues, and check their reading history. Likewise, there are some premium benefits that they can unlock only via subscription.