Path Guide


Path Guide is a map free indoor navigation application that can help users to find their destination inside big buildings. Read more about Path Guide  

As we all know, GPS doesn't work indoors, which means that people can't use their phone to navigate inside large structures, such as shopping malls or airports for example.
Fortunately, Path Guide aims to improve this situation by using the existing sensors in today's phones to map out the navigation to certain destinations.
Even if the use might not be apparent right away, Path Guide is actually quite useful. For example, people can share an already completed path, which means that you'll know exactly where to go, where to turn, or how many floors to go up or down. This is especially important in large office buildings, where finding a particular office can be difficult.
It's also possible to guide potential customer directly to your store or to guide passengers to the correct terminal in an airport. The useful scenarios for this application are countless.