Onmyoji Arena


Onmyoji Arena is a MOBA game in the famous Onmyoji series, offering players a unique experience. Read more about Onmyoji Arena  

MOBA games are always interesting, but when the gameplay is combined with Japanese culture and history, it can turn into something special. Onmyoji Arena is a MOBA game at its core, but it’s also a way to learn more about the characters and to experience something unique.
The advanced graphics engine offers superb 3D models and battles that will leave you wanting more. The balancing is done properly, with each Shikigami possessing powers that complement each other.
The game also introduces a 3v3v3 battle model that incorporates a new type of combat. Furthermore, a battle-royal model was also added, with player spawning in three different locations on the map. The first team to seal 30 Shikigami wins.