Quick Settings

Nougat / Oreo Quick Settings is a powerful utility for phones running the latest Android 7.x operating system, allowing users to add more tiles. Read more about Quick Settings  

With the launch of Android 7.0 “Nougat,” Google has enabled users to make changes to the drop down menu and tiles. Unfortunately, it’s still not flexible enough, and some developers decided that they could make a better job.
This is where Nougat / Oreo Quick Settings comes into play. It allows users to add to the drop down menu pretty much any action that can be done from various apps in the operating system. If you have too many shortcuts, a second page will be created.
Adding new shortcuts is simple and can be done with drag and drop, and a little bit of patience. It’s important to mention that if your OS has been modified by the company building the phone, the application might not work.