Nintendo Switch Parental Controls


Nintendo Switch Parental Controls is a new application from Nintendo that allows users to better control the access of children to the Switch console. Read more about Nintendo Switch Parental Controls  

If you’re worried that your kid is spending too much time playing games or that there are not playing the right games for their age, you might want to give the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app a try.
The Nintendo Switch Parental Controls provides the parents with the tools they need to keep the time spent in from the TV in check. This means that it’s possible to set up a play time limit and the console will notify users that the time limit has been reached; furthermore, it’s even possible to suspend the gameplay.
The gameplay time can also be checked so that you always know how much time has been spent, and a daily play summary is available. Restricting some of the Nintendo Switch functions is allowed so that kids don’t play games that are above their age rating.