Nightshift: Stargazing & Astronomy


Nightshift is a powerful tool that helps you discover the best opportunities to observe significant astronomy events and celestial objects from your location. Read more about Nightshift: Stargazing & Astronomy  

The mobile solution targets experienced astronomy enthusiasts as well as individuals who are interested only in extraordinary sky phenomena, such as eclipses or meteor showers. It provides everyone with details about the weather and observing conditions in any location across the world. Furthermore, it sends notifications to inform users when stargazing opportunities are optimal.
With this software, you can find out the exact sunrise and sunset times in your city or village, and discover if there is any meteor shower active in the area. Likewise, it enables you to track moon phases, detect visible planets, and identify upcoming events.
The app also shows information about each planet in our solar system, including their coordinates, visual brightness, size, distance, and current constellation. Moreover, it lets users find the best opportunities to observe Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, and thousands of deep-sky objects.
In addition to all that, the mobile solution enables you to set multiple stargazing locations, share astronomy highlights with friends, and invite them to observe your favorite sky events together.