Mimicker Alarm

Mimicker Alarm is an application from Microsoft that’s aimed at people that just can get passed the snooze button in the morning. Read more about Mimicker Alarm  

The snooze button is one of the biggest enemies of humanity, and it’s no wonder that more and more complex tools are developed to wake us up in the morning. This is just the purpose of Mimicker Alarm which aims to make sure that you’re awake and ready for a new day.
Unlike the snooze button which places its trust in the user that it’s going to keep its word and wake up, the Mimicker Alarm doesn’t trust the people. It’s designed to give users problems and other types of tasks. If you don’t meet the demands of the application, it will continue to ring until you’re up.
Some of the actions required by the app include solving a game, a puzzle, or even getting up from the bed. It’s not going to be the same problem every morning, and the application will continuously shuffle them up so that you don’t get used it.