

messageLOUD is an Android application for people that need to get messages while on the go, allowing them to drive safely. Read more about messageLOUD  

Text and drive is a dangerous habit for the ones doing it and for the other people on the road. Even just reading a message would mean getting your eyes off the road, and that’s something that shouldn’t happen. This is where an application such as messageLOUD comes in handy.
The application simply works by reading all incoming messages out loud so that the driver can continue driving without any distractions. messageLOUD works by default with SMS messages, but it ‘s not limited to that.
messageLOUD also covers emails from Gmail, MS Exchange, Yahoo, IMAP and Hotmail, messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Hangouts, and Facebook, and other online services such as Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, LinkedIn, SnapChat, WeChat, Viber, Tango, Google Hangouts, Slack and many others.
The app can also be set up to provide a number of generic auto-responses.