Infinity Loop


Infinity Loop is a puzzle game that challenges players to think out of the box and to find solutions for problems that get increasingly more and more difficult. Read more about Infinity Loop  

The basic idea behind Infinity Loop is a simple one. Users need to figure out how to connect all the shapes so that it forms a single and continuous form. Each shape can be rotated in four directions, so the more shapes you have, the more combinations you will need to take into consideration.
Infinity Loop doesn’t have a time limit for each puzzle or a limited number of moves. You don’t have to buy anything to make it go faster, and there are no hints. It’s the purest form of a puzzle game that doesn’t reward users with a high score, but with a feeling of accomplishment.
The shapes are procedurally generated, which means that there is an infinite number of levels. A second mode is also available that lets users untangle shapes as well.