IDAGIO - Classical Music Streaming


IDAGIO is a streaming service that lets users listen to classical music, browse among thousands of tracks by composer or genre, get recommendations for each mood, create a favorites list, and more.  Read more about IDAGIO - Classical Music Streaming  

According to numerous studies, listening to classical music has tons of benefits. It reduces stress, increases dopamine levels, boosts productivity, supports brain power and memory, enhances creative skills, improves sleep quality, and more. There are various tools on the Android market that aims to help you enjoy these positive effects, and IDAGIO is one of them. It grants access to an immense collection of tracks that you can filter by composer, instrument, genre, orchestra, or conductor to find specific recordings in seconds. 
Users get the chance to discover new music every day, as the available catalog includes over 2 million tracks. The mobile solution promises to give the best recommendations based on what selections they make at the beginning when setting up the account. Furthermore, it lets users enjoy a different playlist depending on their mood, whether they are feeling happy, joyful, optimistic, peaceful, sad, or nervous. They can also build a favorites list and share music with friends or family. 
The app offers lots of assets in the free version, but users must purchase a premium subscription to unlock the full toolkit.