Habit Tracker


Habit Tracker is an app that helps you set goals to build productive and healthy routines, create reminders for repetitive tasks and measure progress. Read more about Habit Tracker  

All people want to improve certain aspects of their lives. Some of them intend to pay more attention to their health; others plan to become more productive at work, while others aim to spend more time with their family.
Regardless of your purpose, this app promises to be a reliable companion and to support you in accomplishing every goal.
The dev team specifies that it takes a couple of months to build a new habit and, perhaps, many attempts to triumph. Therefore, do not lose hope if you are not successful in the first attempt.
Start by setting up a new habit, and select one of the predefined categories to include it. Reveal if you want to improve time management, budgeting, home cleaning, diet or social skills, and then decide how to track that goal.
The least complicated way is to answer affirmatively or negatively to a question that wants to find out if you succeeded that day. The second option enables you to answer through a number and say, for instance, that the day is successful if you do not work for more than ten hours.
Set up reminders to make sure everything is on schedule and track your progress.