Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a tool that enables teachers and students to communicate during and after school hours, share and access resources, view assignments in one place, and stay organized all the time. Read more about Google Classroom  

The app developed by Google promises to be a reliable solution for any educational institution from around the world. It aims to help teachers interact with their students seamlessly inside and outside of school. Therefore, it is free to use, does not show ads, and keeps all information secure.
The first step instructors must take is to set up their classes and then add learners one by one. However, if they think this operation is time-consuming, another alternative is to share a code with students and thus give them permission to join a particular study group.
After completing the setup process, teachers can create assignments and add specific instructions to make sure everyone understands all requirements correctly. They also get the chance to review and evaluate students' work in the same place, saving not only time but also paper.
Furthermore, the mobile solution enables users to quickly access all class materials, including case studies, documents, presentations, photos, and videos. They can also communicate with teachers, answer to questions on the stream, avoid unwanted confusions, and get organized.