

GOGps! is an Android application that allows users to change the location reported by the GPS signal. Read more about GOGps!  

The developers of GOGps! don’t exactly say where’s the need for such an app or even what are its features, and for a good reason. The truth is that changing the GPS location is not something that many apps do, but it’s usually regarding Pokemon GO.
Changing the GPS location allows users to access different parts of the world where some of the other Pokemon are located so that they don’t need to go there. It doesn’t matter if you’re changing it for 1KM or 1000KM. The effect is the same.
The settings are very easy to access, and users won’t have a problem with the application. The only issue is that you might get a softban for Pokemon GO.
Of course, there are other uses for the app. For example, you can send a fake location via a messaging app that has support for it.