Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter


Galaxy Attack is a classic side-scrolling shooter that’s challenging and which offers countless hours of fun and frustration. Read more about Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter  

Side-scrolling shooters are not known for being easy to play, and the same can be said about Galaxy Attack. It’s not difficult to learn, and the first levels will seem simple enough to finish, but players will soon discover that it takes a lot of skill and practice to master Galaxy Attack.
Players will take control of a single spaceship in an effort to protect Earth from alien swarms. Surprisingly, the goal is not as much destroying the alien invaders as it is to stay alive long enough. Furthermore, players will also have to be very careful in their environments, as it can kill them just as easily.
Also, it’s possible to collect items and new weapons and upgrade them as well. There is even a multiplayer mode for people that want to test themselves against other people.