

Formulia is an app that enables students to access an extensive set of useful formulas in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, explore Mendeleev\'s periodic table, convert units, and more.  Read more about Formulia  

A basic calculator is not enough if you study engineering, physics, chemistry, math, or statistics. It is mandatory to use a specialized tool when performing complex calculations if you want to get accurate results in the shortest time. Formulia is one of these solutions. It integrates not only a scientific calculator but also many other valuable features that anyone can take advantage of within a straightforward interface. 
Users get the freedom to select any topic, whether they are interested in algebra, trigonometry, mechanics, optics, or chemistry. Besides a massive collection of formulas, they can also check the values of many fundamental physical constants, such as the atomic mass unit, proton charge, speed of light in vacuum, acceleration of gravity, and Euler's number. 
Furthermore, the mobile solution enables users to explore Mendeleev's periodic table and read information about every chemical element, learn the Greek alphabet, and convert a variety of units. They can also discover the most significant symbols in math, work with the matrix calculator to compute determinants, and graph polynomial functions in a flash.